Sunday, December 13, 2009

I Tried, But It Still Didn't Work

 Ok, i realize that only a few will read this and this entry is written just as much for me as for anyone else to see. i woke up early Sunday morning to go shopping for the families that we have adopted at the 'asylum'.  The weather was threatening rain and i wanted to get the 'best' deal so i went to the store that i have been boycotting for over three years.  Yes, i went to my local WallyWorld!  (i'll wait while those who used to follow my yahoo blog, to regroup.  LOL)  i arrived at 6:00am. . . seriously.

Now, it is important to note that i have been in other stores of this same chain, but not my local one - because of an awful experience that i had in this store late one night.  Yes, it's irrational but it works for me.  

i almost hyperventilated when i walked in so i took off my jacket so i could breathe.  It took forever to shop because i don't have boys and i don't shop for them.  LOL  i managed and i was actually exited about the prospect of having a positive experience in WallyWorld.  But, i had not anticipated the checkout process.  

Seeee, my first mistake was thinking that if i did self-check out that i would get out quicker because i wouldn't have to stand in a line.  There was absolutely no one in the area and i went to the nearest register.  The register stopped beeping and i had to input each item myself.  (i actually think that they owe me some money for working for them today, but oh well. i am just glad that i got out alive) 

So, i maintained and was about to pay and the credit card machine was blank.  i asked the attendant if there was supposed to be something showing on the machine and she said yes.  Uh-oh.  i instantly thought all at one time:   Ok, i have to have a receipt for this so i can get reimbursed, oh my goodness is she going to have to scan this stuff again, and seeeee, i KNEW i shouldn't have tried this store! After i was able to speak, i asked if she'd be able to give me a receipt. Thank goodness she said that she'd be able to do so.  

Well, i am back to my original one woman protest.  Grrrrrrr!!!!

Remember pressure make diamonds; irritation makes pearls!